The Big Picture

The little puzzle held meaning, given as a gift and treasure by a traveling sister long ago to a childhood friend of mine. This puzzle has been incomplete for many years now, just waiting lonely and forgotten until rediscovered just recently. My friend pondered the sweet puzzle, seeing its dysfunction, and thought about tossing it away. The sentimentality held her back as she remembered the love and connection it represented and warmth it stirred.

She was amazed to find the missing piece, just three days later, mixed up in attic boxes.

winnie missing piece

One small piece. An insignificant thing all on it’s own, yet needed to form the big picture. 

How often in our own lives have we forgotten, rejected, lost, moved on, or discarded an important piece of our bigger picture for one reason or another? Many times, in the name of self-protection, we deny crucial parts of our story because we falsely believe that it negates our value. Perhaps we stuff a piece of ourselves away like random bits stored in attic boxes.

Memories, history, relationships, words, mistakes, thoughts, sin, pain, regret, abuse, loss….locked up, jumbled together, and sealed in the dark. Needed parts to a bigger story that should be looked at, made useful, and seen as a treasured gift.

For years, I tucked away the shame of failing, a perceived chronic disappointment and frustration to every adult, friend, and certainly God. I always fell short and chose to escape my inadequacy by occupying an imagined space rather than live present where I was. Feeling like I was flawed and fractured, I believed I was not useful, lovable, or needed. I detached from connection and stayed protective of my heart. This is how our enemy works, to deceive us into hiding. Hiding the pieces of our design, pain, and failures, defrauds the Author from His glory and robs the world of the big picture called redemption.

An authentic relationship with Jesus began to shine light into my dark corners and reveal His image stamped on me, making the bigger picture of my purpose come into focus. His grace shapes everything as I move towards Truth. He has been patiently unwinding the painful and twisted lies around my heart and exposing the gifts that have been buried under shame.

winnie puzzle

I’m a big fan of story. This completed puzzle tells a story and it resonates because a recovered long-lost piece is something to celebrate. It’s especially special when that finally completed puzzle reminds the holder of a connection to the giver.

When our pieces are all there with no shame, unveiling the big picture, it reminds us of the Giver. The connection brings beauty to the mundane and messy and hope to a fractured and lost world.

Your story matters, do you have all the pieces?

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